With the release of version 2.6, the SyncSketch team is proud to deliver significant improvements on some of the little things that really matter day-to-day: loading speeds, smooth user interface interactions, increased file format support, and more!
Following on recent database upgrades and optimizations, significant progress this release was made improving the loading speed when transferring of media via the ShotGrid integration for Enterprise users, as well as continued improvement to the 3D Viewer user interface to make it feel even more intuitive to use in everyday workflows.
For a deeper dive on all the changes, please see below for the full release notes.
SyncSketch v2.6.0
  • Significantly reduced the wait time required after selecting a playlist to transfer from ShotGrid
  • Updated the user interface of the 3D Viewer to be more intuitive
  • Moved the button which activates Camera Navigation to live alongside the Brush Tool activation button
  • Removed the 2D zoom icon for 3D models
  • Moved the object selection tool into the player icon bar
  • We now disable the UV window button instead of hiding it when no UVs are available on the 3D model
  • Improved readability of frame numbers when viewing PDFs
  • Error messaging is clearer when uploading images with unsupported or invalid dimensions.
  • When Reviews are renamed, it's now noted in the Activity log.
  • Added support for both single-frame GIF images as well as GIFs starting with the GIF87a header
  • New unread annotations are highlighted during an active review session and not just on page refresh
  • Updated the Default Link Expiration configuration option to include additional options for the number of days, including 2 and 3 weeks.
  • Updated the Item action menu options in the player to be more legible, responsive, and mobile-friendly
  • Added messaging for when user attempts to take actions that would cancel an upload in progress
  • Optimized how Item file size calculations are made, improving speed and accuracy when displaying account storage usage
  • Fixed an error that was preventing user account deletions on occasion
  • Removed a flickering effect that would display after submitting the project creation dialog
  • Updated the password reset dialog so that Gmail users can now more easily find password reset emails
  • On newly uploaded items, the user interface shows the associated video’s thumbnail as soon as encoding completes
  • Fixed an issue where switching back and forth between Items would cause a subset of media to look like it was extremely zoomed in upon reloading
  • The Files tab on the user profile page no longer displays items that were deleted with their Reviews
  • You can now use a wider variety of special characters in passwords
  • Dropping static URLs for images and video onto reviews to upload media is working again
  • Fixed an issue with how file sizes were being calculated when using the Dropbox integration
SyncSketch v2.6.1
  • Enterprise customers can add Purchase Order (P.O.) numbers to invoices when adjusting plan limits
  • Improved error handling when unsupported file types are uploaded
  • PDFs are no longer cropped when using Custom Video Display
  • Fixed a rare case that caused PDF downloads to fail, which was returning the error “Number of frames does not match”