
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We're putting more power into your hands by introducing a couple new ways you can manage your account, without waiting on us!
Self-Service SSO (available on Enterprise)
We've put an end to the back and forth once required with our support team to set up, or update your SAML configuration. Now you can complete the entire process from within your Workspace Settings!
Check out our Self-Service SSO support article for more info!
Enterprise Trial and Self-Purchase
Sometimes you just know what you want! We've now unlocked the ability to start a trial and ultimately purchase or upgrade to our Enterprise plan - without the need to interface directly with our sales team.
Don't worry, our team is still here to help when you need them, but now you don't have to wait for business hours if you wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden craving to try our advanced features!
Check out our Subscription Adjustments support article for more info on how to adjust your current plan or switch to a different one!
Upload from clipboard
Paste an item straight from your clipboard using Ctrl/Meta+V or by using our Add Media Menu. A big time saver to quickly add screenshots into your review sessions.
  • Improved Auto Fit Zoom by adding an option to max out zoom at 100%. This keep quality high by preventing smoothing. We also added a handy shortcut to zoom to 100% (Ctrl + 1)
  • Issue causing dragged items to drop into multiple sections
  • Default Section now disappears when all items have been moved to custom Sections
  • Sections menu is now available immediately when a new review is created, before media is added
  • Dragging first item into Sections now works more smoothly
  • Transparent PNG files no longer 'flash' the transparency grid upon completion of upload in the player and review row accordion
  • Whitelist Domains field can now accept up to 4096 characters
We're excited to share two major new features!
Audio Notes
A great option if your feedback is easier to express by speaking it, rather than typing it.
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Want to use sound effects to convey an idea or simply describe something in detail that comes out easier when speaking? Give this a try!
Jira Integration
If your studio is using Jira as a tracking tool, this integration will help you link SyncSketch comments to existing Jira issues, or create new issues based on the comments.
  • Time range, sync, sound and playback issues when using compare mode
  • Blank page issue when refreshing during looped video playback in synced session
  • Saving custom brush settings functionality clarified by updating language in the UI and the support article
NEW: Organize media items into Sections
Frame 1
It's here! Rather than having one big bucket of media items in your review, you can now organize your media into custom sections that you create.
  • Flexibility:
    Add, remove, rename, reorder, expand and collapse sections using the new options, whether you're prepping for a review on the Project page, or in the middle of one in the Player!
Full-screen playback
In addition to the existing full-screen playback mode available on desktop browsers, we now feature an option to view in Theater Mode, which makes the playback full-screen and also hides the playback controls and other browser window features. This is great for screening rooms and conference room projectors.
Full screen playback menu options
(Note that Full Screen mode remains unavailable in any browser on iOS due to Web API restrictions on the platform.)
Link Sharing Defaults: Start Unsynced
There is a new project setting that allows invitees to join reviews unsynced by default. Invitees can still click the Join Sync button in the upper right corner for synced reviews.
"Start Unsynced" Project setting
This setting is also available in the Workspace Settings so that you can set the default for all projects, and even enforce them if needed.
Share Review Link
dialog still only shows the
Start Unsynced
option for External Collaborators. Project members can now join reviews unsynced by default using this new setting.
Custom Playback Speed Controls
  • In the Review Player, the playback speed controls have undergone some improvements.
image image
  • The toolbar control now only displays the framerate when playback is at normal speed. When using the speed controls either via the menu or the JKL keys, the speeds will be shown as multipliers, which is usually more useful.
  • Custom rate settings persist locally.
  • Static watermarks are now applied to newly uploaded GIFs.
  • To make email notifications snappier, we’ve tightened up timeouts for inactive browser tabs.
  • Various optimizations and performance improvements in the API and in general.
  • When attempting to download PDF notes for videos that have no annotations, a warning will be presented and it will no longer generate a blank PDF.
  • When navigating to long notes, the screen no longer shifts up.
  • When using Google to sign in, changes in your name or profile picture in SyncSketch will no longer get reverted to those from your Google account.
  • Dynamic Watermarks once again only appear at the bottom.
  • Unsynced reviewers no longer affect those in a synced review meeting when using Compare Mode.
  • The media item’s duration in frames is once again displayed in the lower right corner in the Grid view of the Review in the Project Overview.
NEW: Pre- and Post-Roll (aka 'Handles')
We now have a Project Setting that will automatically set playback ranges on videos to ignore a specified number of frames at the head (Pre-Roll) and tail (Post-Roll) of a clip.
The Item Name Filter option adds flexibility to only apply these settings to clips that contain certain words in their name.
UPDATE: Upload Manager location change
This update gives the Upload Manager a new home in the header at the top of the page. Access your upload progress or recent upload activity here:
  • Project API performance improvements
NEW: Improved Search Functionality
  • Search results table is now configurable with an adjustable preview size
  • Search by filename, username and status at the same time. Separate your search terms with a space and you can find exactly what you need e.g “Shot_1 approved Floetotto” would search for all files with status approved by user Floetotto with filename like “Shot_1”
  • Select files from search and preview or immediately start a quick review
  • Search across multiple projects
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NEW: Upload Manager
Gain more control over your media uploads in SyncSketch with a new dialog that provides real-time insights into your uploads, such as the media name, size, upload duration, progress, and status.
  • Effortless Monitoring:
    The Upload Manager Panel ensures you're always in the loop about the status and progress of your media.
  • Total Control:
    Easily cancel any upload when needed.
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  • Mentions in Note Replies: Now, tag team members in replies, ensuring nothing important goes unnoticed. Also mentions should be more robust
  • Enhanced Usage Page: The Usage Page has been improved, to give you a clearer overview of your plans’ usage and make sure you stay in control of your workspace.
  • Significantly improved loading times for workspaces with lots of projects
Notable Fixes
  • Fixed: .png and PDF files downloads
  • Fixed: Disabled Button for Lifecycle Management
  • Fixed: Presentation Mode Waiting Screen
  • Fixed: Webhooks fire for Videos uploaded through the API
Explore all the features SyncSketch has to offer through new dialogs and the addition of a visual indicator (e.g. below on the "Media" tab) that showcases extended functionalities:
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With just a click, get comprehensive details and uncover features you might be missing, as well as additional options:
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Gain a deeper understanding of what SyncSketch can offer and don’t miss any option that could optimize your workflow.
Other Updates & Fixes
We've made various improvements, from enhanced search in the notes panel to fixing broken links, so you can better concentrate on your creative workflow confidently:
  • Static watermarks are now applied to uploaded PDF files
  • Search is now reliably highlighting matching words in the notes panel
  • Checkboxes when selecting items in the Media Tab now show on both on hover and selection
  • Enhancements to the storage methodology for media
  • Newest browsers don't accidentally get classified as "unsupported”
  • Various broken links have been fixed
  • Various cosmetic improvements
In this update, we've introduced several enhancements to improve your user experience and bolster security across our platform. Key features include the introduction of context menus, making it easier to navigate and interact with your content. We've also prioritized security with the removal of publicly accessible projects, offering a more secure way to share individual reviews. Integration with ShotGrid has been streamlined, ensuring proper synchronization and enhancing image quality.
Context Menus
  • Enjoy improved user experience with context menus. Now, you can simply right-click or control-click items in the Review Player's playlist to access context menus.
  • Effortlessly manage your media items in the Project Overview by right-clicking or control-clicking to reveal their action menu. You can apply group actions to multiple selected items, or individual actions to unselected items, for added convenience and control.
Security Improvements
  • We've enhanced security across the platform, ensuring your data stays safe and protected.
  • Publicly-accessible projects are no longer an option, providing increased security for your work. You can now share individual reviews with external users while maintaining the privacy of your projects:
  1. Existing public projects will have a new
    button in the Project Overview warning that the project is publicly accessible. Untitled (1)
  2. Clicking this button will take you to the Project Settings screen, where you can make the project private. Untitled
  • Achieve seamless synchronization with ShotGrid as status changes made in the Project Overview, in addition to changes in the Review Player, now sync back to ShotGrid.
  • Experience improved image quality when syncing image files from ShotGrid with "Re-encode videos" turned off. SyncSketch now retrieves the original image upload instead of ShotGrid’s transcoded version, eliminating compression artifacts.
  • Managing playlists in ShotGrid is now more straightforward, with updates to playlist names in ShotGrid reflecting in SyncSketch without creating new reviews.
  • Playlist name changes in ShotGrid will no longer cause SyncSketch to overwrite existing reviews with the same name.
General Updates & Fixes:
We've made various improvements, from enhanced whiteboard creation to fixing broken links and offering better responsiveness for smaller screens. Overall, this update is all about convenience, security, and a more user-friendly experience, ensuring you can focus on your creative work with peace of mind.
  • Video items in the Media tab are now animated when the cursor moves over them.
  • Multi-page PDFs can now be enabled for looping, for playback and stepping, and viewing the last frame is more reliable.
  • Overlimit accounts now unlock automatically after adjusting plan limits.
  • You can now re-subscribe to a canceled account without contacting Customer Support.
  • Account owners will no longer see the "Pending invites" banner for members they invited.
  • You can now invite new project members without having available seats for them. They can accept the invitations once seats are added.
  • When members are waiting for seats to be added so they can join a workspace, “poking” the owner is now more reliable.
  • The "Invoices" dialog now updates more immediately when paying an unpaid invoice using a "pay now" link.
  • Plan adjustments that incur very small charges no longer fail.
  • Payment errors are now displayed properly on the checkout page.
  • Presentation guests can no longer reactivate sketches when the host has hidden them.
  • Resizing the comments section of the Notes panel is more reliable.
  • Set default Whiteboard settings directly from the Project Overview for added customization.
  • You can once again create whiteboards on older versions of Safari (tested on Safari 15.2)
  • Enjoy improved usability of the action menu in the Review Player's playlist on mobile devices.
  • Tables now offer a more responsive design, making them user-friendly on smaller screen sizes.
  • The Activity Log now details item Status changes.
  • Notification emails about expired API keys are now more descriptive.
  • Various broken links have been fixed.
  • Various cosmetic improvements.
We are excited to announce
the latest update to the SyncSketch Maya plugin
, which brings a range of enhancements and expanded compatibility.
Key Updates:
  • Extended Maya Version Support:
    SyncSketch now seamlessly supports a broader range of Maya versions, from Maya 2020 to the latest Maya 2024.
  • Improved Installation Process:
    We've streamlined the installation process, making it quicker and easier to get started with the plugin.
Features and Benefits:
Our Maya plugin empowers you to achieve more with SyncSketch, enhancing your workflow and collaboration possibilities:
  • Effortless Uploads:
    Easily upload videos and playblasts to SyncSketch without the need for time-consuming conversion processes.
  • Bi-Directional Data Flow:
    Download notes and image annotations from SyncSketch back into Maya, allowing you to fine-tune parameters like frame offsets.
  • Viewport Preset Management:
    Take control of your viewport presets for recording, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience.
  • Python 2 and 3 support
For a more detailed understanding of the Maya plugin and its capabilities, we invite you to watch our Maya Integration Quick Intro Video
and explore our
SyncSketch’s Free and Indie plans have been updated to ensure a sustainable and robust platform for everyone. Here's what's new:
Free plan:
  • 5 Seats:
    Allow up to 5 team members to join your workspace and collaborate on your creative projects.
  • 2 Projects:
    You can set up 2 projects to explore how SyncSketch could fit into different projects in different ways.
  • 1 GB Storage:
    Enjoy 1GB of free storage capacity to securely store your creative assets, so you can start right away.
  • 2 GB Upload Limit:
    You can now upload up to 2GB per calendar month, so you can see how SyncSketch can help with plenty of different media assets.
Indie plan:
  • 15 Seats:
    Collaborate with a team of up to 15 members to facilitate feedback exchanges.
  • Unlimited Projects:
    Create unlimited projects to organize your work in the way that best suits you.
  • 50 GB Storage:
    Enjoy 50GB of included storage capacity, so you have room for all your media.
  • 100 GB Upload Limit:
    You can now upload up to 100GB per month (calendar month), so you can review large files.
For expanding needs, you can upgrade to the Team or Enterprise plans which offer even more powerful features like the ability to add unlimited seats, 3D model viewer, API access, and extensive content security features.
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