Client Notes
David Breaux
I had also submitted a request for a Sent to Client "Status" so these two could potentialy work together.
Ex: Workflow as I see it.
- I assign an animator a shot
- Animator Submits Shot for my Review
- I give my Notes and label it Reviewed or Approved if I have no Notes.
- After I approve a shot instead of Clicking Approved I'd click "Sent To Client"
which would also notify the artist that it was Sent To Client.
- The Client views the work and gives Notes.
- The Clients Notes are now attached to that version that was sent to them but color coded Red, Orange, etc. of perhaps a Custom Color setting would be more flexible.
- The Client Notes would appear in the same Notes Window on the Right Hand Side of the Screen but would automaticly be colored the Client Notes Color. It'd probably be best if whatever Color the Client Note Color is, it would restrict us the users from using that color so it always stands out.
- At the same time it would be nice if the Client Note also had a little Folder Tab at the upper left of the Note that also Labels it Client Note just to make it extra clear.
I can put together a mockup if my description is confusing.
Philip Floetotto
Hi David, thanks for the suggestion. Could you please describe, how you would imagine the workflow to work? Would you select individual comments in an item and label them as "client notes" or would you want to send a "client review" for feedback and every comment is a "client note"?