Controlling Note Visibility for External Collaboration
Rok Kogovšek
Currently notes inside of a review can be only filtered by review scope: Current or ALL.
Other tools like (from which we migrated to SyncSketch) allow more granular control of note visibility by roles and other options. So it seems reasonable that SyncSketch would extend the granularity of the control.
For starters it would make our work much easier, if we could already mark which notes are internal and should not be presented to external collaborators (the link sharing option). While we can in theory duplicate a review and use the current scope option as advised by support, it is far from ideal.
Because we have many different external vendors as well as many ongoing projects a more direct approach inside the same review would be preferred. This would also cover the issue, which happens from time to time, when we need to temporary invite coworkers from other departments in our duplicated reviews via the share link, which then blocks the ALL notes option.
On the long run we would also welcome some kind of role configural visibility rules (e.g. reviewer does not see member notes) and custom roles which would build on this logic (custom external role does not see member notes but see only director/project admin notes)