Download Multiple Files
Matthew Muntean
this is useful if someone posts reference that needs to be reformatted i.e. someone drags a folder full of images into syncsketch, but we want a contact sheet.
We really need this feature!
Ray Morales
totally agree, upvoting
Mike Jennings
Philip Floetotto
Thank you Annie, we are hoping to implement a download zip function in the near future. Would you like to download the original files or the transcoded files?
Annie Sollish
Philip Floetotto: It would be good to have the option for both. But if we only get one, then the original files would be the preference.
Matthew Cook
It would also be helpful to download the transcoded files in bulk.
Bernhard Haux
Merged in a post:
Download All Files
Adela Baborova
While we're waiting for the copy feature to be available, is it possible to add a "download all in a review"? Currently if we need to "copy" anything to a different board we have to download each item separately AND specify that we want the original, which is extremely cumbersome with a large amount of files.
Philip Floetotto
Hi Peter, thanks for the suggestion. We've added this task and are researching how this could be accomplished.