Integrating SyncSketch with an audio recorder
Rhea Fischer
SyncSketch on its own is a very powerful review tool, but it doesn't capture the live back and forth of a review session. To that end we suggest SyncSketch provide either 1) an exportable event log or 2) webhooks for the following events:
- open_review(date_time, project, review)
- user_join(date_time, user)
- open_item(date_time, user, item)
- playback_start_item(date_time, user, start_frame)
- playback_stop_item(date_time, user, stop_frame)
- playback_scrub_item(date_time, user, new_frame)
- close_item(date_time, user, item)
- user_leave(date_time, user)
- close_review(date_time, user, project, review)
If implemented as webhooks these would be set in SyncSketch preferences to URLs on a (user provided) event recording service. The user's service could, e.g. be part of a session audio recorder.
Philip Floetotto
Hi Rhea, we just released a new feature to record audio notes. It's not exactly what you were asking for but it might help your use case.
To have the back and forth of a session, can you maybe use a screen recording tool?
Creating a log with all the events is not on our product roadmap and a rather special feature.
Or can you please explain how exactly you could consume these logs.