Playback Speed Control
Jake Aust
When reviewing large sets of images (much more common these days with generative AI), we have found the most efficient path is to convert to video files with 1 frame per image. This works well in the UI, however if you would like to hit play and sit back and review the images as a slide show this is impossible since the slowest you can make the playback is 6 frames per second. We would love to be able to do .33 frames per second (3 seconds per image).
Mike Jennings
What is your process for converting the images to video? If you're using ffmpeg, for example, you could set the framerate of the output video with the
(output framerate) and -framerate
(input framerate) options: ffmpeg -framerate 0.33 -pattern_type glob -i 'input_folder/*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -r 0.33 -pix_fmt yuv420p stillsmovie.mp4
Then the framerate speed controls will not even be needed.
Tip: You can shift-drag this output movie into the review to bypass our transcoding, saving a little time.
Jake Aust
Mike Jennings this was great advice and thank you!