Separate drawings by person
Chloé Gervais
This would be really useful because right now we don't even know who left a drawn note
Mike Jennings
Thanks for the suggestion! We have that for comments but not for sketches. This is because sketches on a frame are accumulated, so if two people sketch on one frame, you could not hide or show just one of the participants' sketch.
The team will discuss it, though, and see how that might work with our future plans.
Alessandra Mota
Mike Jennings: Check out how Artella does it. They have the drawings attached to the comments. This way when you click on a comment, you only see the drawings from that person/comment.
Chloé Gervais
Alessandra Mota Mike Jennings I believe that's also how Shotgrid does it.
Chloé Gervais
Mike Jennings Unrelated but is it possible your dates are wrong? You answered me two years in the past...
Alessandra Mota
Chloé Gervais His reply was for me! ;)
Chloé Gervais
Alessandra Mota Ah! Thanks Alessandra, I was confused by the order of replies!