Shotgrid Integration to also accept Grease Pencil and Encoded Video Outputs synchronized
Arash Roudafshan
My production teams want to know if there is a way to get the Grease Pencil and Encoded Video Outputs synchronized back to our ShotGrid through the ShotGrid integration?
I know this is a function of the Maya integration, but do to strict security restrictions on our network, we don't want to open the artists to download the Grease Pencil's directly. We would rather they just work off their assignment notes in ShotGrid.
Romain Digonnet
It would help a lot in the process of leads giving note to animators.
Mitchell Waldman
From a production coordinator standpoint the current process is quite manual.
We are able to push the individual sketches and written notes to SG en masse but in order to get the full video with sketches so drawings can be seen in context we have to download the file and then upload to SG one by one.
Since the artists don't have an account, it falls to the Leads or Coordinator to download each video. So far we have kept this on a per request basis but if we'd want to upload an entire sequence after a Director review then it would become quite time consuming without any automation.
Cory Rogers
Hi, As an Animation Supervisor giving feedback on animation often requires the team to review the feedback at speed, as a movie, not as individual JPEGs.
Both RV and SyncSketch offer the ability to export annotated movies but neither offer the ability to push an annotated movie directly to ShotGrid. Not every user on the team is a licensed user, and as you know, only licensed users have the option to download a movie from SyncSketch.
We can work around this limitation where a supervisor or production coordinator can export the annotated movies to a folder and either share a link to the folder or upload the exported movie to ShotGrid manually.
Any automation here would really help to alleviate our bottleneck.
Juaner Franzius
This would speed up the propagation of notes and feedback to the team and will help production automatically attach a "review package" to each shot from SS to SG